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Team, group, and system facilitation

Organizational constellations

An organizational constellation is a technique that uses visual representations of people, roles, or elements within an organization to explore dynamics, relationships, and possible solutions to challenges or problems in the work environment.

  • Working with the Strength of the Organization’s Purpose and its People
  • Working on the relationships within the system
  • Fostering the balance between giving and receiving

Observing and “psensing” the field of information

“Working with the field of information” refers to the idea that there is an energetic or informational field that surrounds and connects all things. In contexts such as therapy, coaching, or organizational constellations, it involves accessing this information at the subconscious level to understand problems, relationships, or patterns and seek solutions.

  • Accepting what emerges without judgment
  • Letting go of the objective
  • Amplifying what has strength
  • Connecting with intuition

Creating spaces for:

We love to promote facilitation spaces for:

  • Promoting collaboration and team cohesion.
  • Fostering conscious communication: active listening, assertiveness, Nonviolent Communication (NVC), empathy, emotional intelligence.
  • Managing power and conflict.
  • Managing latent information.
  • Learning to “psense” and connect with the somatic, promoting movement in space.
  • Making conscious decisions.
  • Emotional care for people.
  • Innovating.
  • Closing a phase.
  • Celebrating achievements.
  • Giving feedback.
  • Embracing collective wisdom.