Performing Arts. Consciousness through Theater, Music, and Dance.

The artistic language is the language of the unconscious. It is the language of the soul, thanks to which we access much more creative and innovative problem-solving perspectives. Performing arts, such as theater, help us develop the capacity for listening, attention, and presence, recognizing and transmuting the masks that prevent us from living fully through sensory openness and connection with our inner strengths, transforming personal resistances into positive mental attitudes.
This methodology is born and nurtured by different disciplines such as theatrical play, primal dance, afroyin, Gestalt therapy, and Coaching. It is a method to enhance human development through movement, dance, theater, and consciousness. This fusion allows us to go within ourselves to connect with the potentials that reside inside us.
- Music is an experimental laboratory for the brain. Music is a communication tool in humans that has a clear effect on cognitive functions and the brain. It is not only a source of entertainment but also generates effects that go beyond in the vast neural networks, affecting our emotions and behavior as well. Neuroimaging studies show that both listening to and making music stimulate connections in a wide range of brain regions typically involved in emotion, reward, cognition, sensation, and movement.
- Dance, when we move (act), creates a bridge between what happens inside and what we show to the world, shaping a dance that reveals more about ourselves than we believe. When a person dances, various psychological entities emerge: their life script, the way they connect with the world, and even their main areas of struggle. Our feelings and life experiences live within our bodies and may have become trapped there. The body may hold the keys to unlocking emotional knots at deep levels.
- Theater allows us to simultaneously work on imagination, considered far more decisive for creative thinking than intelligence, and free ourselves from our own limitations, enhancing these aspects, among others, that contribute to divergent thinking. This type of thinking is practiced in scenes through a stimulus that generates different contexts, ideas, and responses, leading to multiple conclusions and solutions to the conflict we are expressing in an original way.