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Linkbig® is a company committed to the Sustainable Development Goals for the 2030 agenda.

At Linkbig®, we understand that sustainability is not just an option, but a responsibility. We strive every day to contribute positively and sustainably in every action, service and collaboration. We are committed to continuous improvement and to being a force for change, guiding organizations and people towards a more sustainable and conscious future. We integrate sustainable development into our company strategy and into all projects and support with our clients.

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The four main SDGs we are committed to are:

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SDG 3: Health and Wellbeing

  • Linkbig® promotes mental health and workplace wellbeing through mindfulness, leadership, self-knowledge, self-leadership and team cohesion programs.
  • We offer access to the most powerful tool for diagnosing stress and burnout, talent and potential in order to design tailor-made programs for healthy and balanced work environments. Do you want to know more about the tool? Book your consultation call
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SDG 4: Quality Education

  • We offer personalized learning experiences based on gamification and neuroscience, thus promoting effective and rapid learning and enhancing key skills for professional development and organizational growth.
  • We use the NPS (Net Promoted Score) to evaluate the impact and feedback of our training with our clients. It is a more demanding indicator than an average calculation.
  • We prepare support programs aimed at education and promoting a change of mindset in the traditional educational system.
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SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

  • We develop social skills and abilities such as leadership and teamwork as well as employee resilience in a labor market in maximum transformation. We promote inclusive and sustainable work environments that favor productivity and business growth.
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SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

  • We promote innovation and collaboration through methodologies based on neuroscience and gamification, helping organizations adapt to the digital era with key soft skills for transformation and change management, boosting their competitiveness.
  • We support client companies in the transformation, reskilling, upskilling and change management of their professionals to adapt to the integration of AI and other technologies contemplated in their digital transformation plans.

Linkbig® has also decided to launch in 2025 some actions of four of the secondary SDGs that are explained below:

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SDG 1: End of poverty

  • Incorporation of a student of Occupational Vocational Training (FPO) and training of a student in organizational psychology practices to carry out an employability action in 2025.
  • Systematization of the assumptions on which adaptations or discounts are made on the established rates especially for organizations with a social purpose.
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SDG 5: Gender equality and SDG 10 Reduction of inequalities

  • Incorporation of a diagnostic tool in the field of organizations to combat inequalities and executive promotions between women and men.
  • Promotion of the launch of female mentoring and mixed reverse mentoring programs to promote the development of female executives for leadership positions and the exchange of knowledge within organizations.
  • Use of non-sexist and stereotype-free language in all Linkbig® actions.
  • Incorporation of sustainable purchasing criteria aimed at working with supplier companies from underrepresented groups.
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SDG 13: Climate action

  • Implementation of the emissions calculator generated by the company: control of CO₂ from the car, reduction of paper, sustainable office supplies and reduction of plastic.

Policies, ethical code and confidentiality and data protection agreements.

  • Check out our Linkbig® Soul Working® liability policy here
  • Check out our ICF (International Coaching Federation) code of ethics and the IAC (International Association of Coaching) Code of Ethics here.
  • Check out the confidentiality and data protection agreement that we sign with all clients here.

Contact us

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Or, come and visit us. We would be happy to welcome you!


Centro Audiovisual (Office 111)

C. Enric Prat de la Riba, núm. 77
08401, Granollers (Barcelona)

639 135 689